
Magnolia City is a collaboration between a diverse team of people that volunteer their time doing what they enjoy. Together, they build a place in Second Life that thrives from that interest and passion. Many of Magnolia City’s departments have dedicated team members not pictured below that drive interesting and fun stories in Magnolia City. We appreciate each of their contributions.


Magnolia City’s Management Team oversees each of the city’s departments, ensures the integrity of the stories happening throughout the city and administers the city’s technology.

Niko Hamilton

Sole Owner and city manager

Jenna Ravenhurst

City Administrator

Roxy Chronotis



Magnolia City’s Design Team creates the unique experience that visitors have come to know as Magnolia City’s style.

Dacio Andy Elroy Holgado

Design Director

Violet Starlight


City Services Directors

Magnolia City’s Services Directors manage the operational aspects of the city and work to make resident’s and visitor’s stays in the city exactly how they imagined.

Cristina Amore

Real Estate Director

Vic Mornington

Marketing Director

Electraa Cortez

Events Director

Liandra Aries

Motor Vehicles Director

Role Play Directors

Magnolia City’s Role Play Directors generate and lead the various stories happening in the city. Together, they ensure that the city’s residents have opportunities to engage with the city.

Jayce Amore

Police Chief


Health Director

Atticus Ravenhurst

Fire Chief

Aaron McMichael

Public Works Director


Criminal Director

Braelin Basquiat Gleesh

Chief Justice

Former Directors

Below are directors who served in their role for over a month. We appreciate their valuable contributions during their tenures.

Ms. Canonmill
Real Estate Director

Ms. Hutson
Motor Vehicles Director

Mr. McGregor
Police Chief

Mr. Kyu
Real Estate Director

Ms. Toretto

Ms. Marano

Ms. Ravenhurst
Health Director

Mr. Johnson
Fire Chief

Ms. Greymalkin-Blackwood
Criminal Director

Ms. Van Diesel
Fire Chief

Mr. Rumble
Motor Vehicles Director

Mr. Pacey
Criminal Director